A Final Message

Two weeks have passed since we arrived tired and weary at the Olympic Park in Stratford. The Games themselves have now begun. Our bike ride now seems an age away. But there are so many memories: reading Robin and Barbara’s early blog before we left and wondering what it was going to be like; cycling through the heat of Greece in the first few days; standing on the deck of the ferry and looking at the moonlight creating patterns on the waves of the Adriatic; the traffic round Milan and Monza. And then having climbed from Bellinzona over the St Gotthard being welcomed by the stage 2 riders, looking fresher than they did for the rest of the week it has to be said. France as always was the best for cycling with its wonderful network of D roads. There was still some hard cycling to come, however, as the wind blew hard in our faces and our bodies became increasingly reluctant to perform. Then the ecstatic welcome into the Cathedral on the final Saturday when hundreds of people had come out to welcome us.

Thanks to everyone who rode and supported. Thanks to everyone who let us go off on this crazy adventure. And thanks to everyone who so generously supported our ride by sponsoring us for the Kent Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance. We have just passed our target of £50000, and still the money is coming in. Fantastic.

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