
West Front of Notre Dame crammed with fan club. Applause, hugs. Widespread happiness and delight. Everyone made it. Blazing sun. The last bananas. Monsieur Hulot. Edith Piaf. Maurice Chevalier. Just great. Thanks for all your support. Thanks to those who provisioned us with fruit cakes. Delicious. Thanks to all who have sponsored, and to those who haven’t got round to it here is your last chance. Everyone wants to know what is next. Mt Olympos to the Olympics is the big one next July. But there has to be something in between. Keep your ears open if you want to join us.

Picnic by the Seine

Patisserie and baguettes. The support team of Patsy, Ann, Pauline and Jon have been marvelous and everyone has bought them bottles of champagne each. Lots of sadness that all this is about to end. The route so far today has taken us down the River Oise to join the Seine through woods along rough tracks. For the last ten miles we’ve followed the path round a huge bend of the Seine along with Sunday morning joggers, cyclists and people ambling along in the sun.

The last day

What a great group of people. Everyone looking after each other, encouraging along the way. 30 miles into Paris for the final photo shoot at the West Front of Notre Dame. Many of the riders would have quailed at the thought of 30 miles a few months ago, but lots said yesterday’s 60 miles of French undulations was comparatively easy. The Green Route between London and Paris is growing in popularity and we’ve met several small groups of riders doing it at various speeds. We’ve also noted how encouraging many French drivers are to cyclists. There’s been none of that aggression you sometimes or too often get on English roads. Perhaps there is no French equivalent to Clarkson.